Dried Flower Bouquet
Dried Flower Bouquet
Delight in the beauty of our dried flower bouquet, a vibrant display of colors including pinks, oranges, yellows, lilacs, and blues. Each bouquet is delicately assembled to create a unique arrangement featuring a charming mix of bunny tails, strawflower, dried millet, floral buttons, sun palms, pampas, feather grass, and thistle. Secured with raffia for a natural touch, these bouquets are a stunning addition to any space, bringing a touch of nature's beauty indoors that lasts. Enjoy the timeless elegance and lasting charm of our dried flower bouquets, perfect for adding a pop of color and style to your home décor.
- Assembled by Bon Femmes in Chicago, IL
Regular price
$32.00 USD
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$32.00 USD
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